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Unlocking Africa's Botanical Treasure Chest

Afraceuticals develops and produces natural, high-quality, African plant-based products with proven safety and efficacy for the nutraceutical industry.


We wish to introduce the world to the immense healing power of our African botanicals in a way that reconnects people, plants, and our planet.

Che'-Lee Parker,
Quality Manger & Business Development  

Dane Poulsen, Business Development Director

Caitlin Gilfillian, Operations Manager

Kristin McLean, Customer Service

Pelargonium sidoides ingredient, PELAFORCE powder extract, pelargonium sidoides Root Powder Dry root - Afraceuticals manufacturer.
Group of White Flowers
Pelaforce Pelargonium Sidoides Extract

Pelargonium sidoides powder extract

Kanna serene sceletium tortousum extract

Sceletium tortuosum powder extract

Afraceuticals pelargonium sidoides root and leaf, Botanical raw material of phytomedicine extract PELAFORCE

People Powered by Plants™

"Afraceuticals is a vehicle through which we aim to establish a new, symbiotic economy that will benefit not only individuals and their communities, but every species on our planet. We envision a world in which man does not take more than nature can replenish. Our participation in this economy will be founded upon selfless service to bring about fair distribution of value and to ensure sustainability. Within this new economy, every person will enjoy equal opportunity to add value and receive compensation for their effort."

Dane Poulsen


Source to Seal

At Afraceuticals, we have a vertically integrated supply chain from source to seal.

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Image by Carlos Ferreira

Inspired by the Perfection of Nature

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Afraceuticals Pelargonium sidoides root wild harvest Lesotho
Laboratory picture of PELAFORCE pelargonium sidoides ingredient liquid tincture AFRACEUTICALS extracts

Science-Based Ingredients

Potency & Efficacy - Verified & Certified by Science

Within Afraceuticals, we believe that PLANT INTELLIGENCE™ is most successfully harnessed and optimised when traditional medicine preparation and science are united.

Afraceuticals belongs to 1% for the planet

Beyond Sustainability

Our approach to sustainability is a holistic one, which extends beyond resource management and includes the whole ecosystem. We realise that people, plants, and our planet are intrinsically connected and are thus all vital in our approach to sustainability.


We have established sustainable, exclusive relationships with local harvesters that are based on trust and mutual interest, which result in both high-quality raw ingredients and reliable, long-term sourcing.

Production Capacity

Purpose-built extraction facilites

Pelargonium sidoides root and leaves, Raw material of PELAFORCE pelargonium sidoides extract manufactured by AFRACEUTICALS in South Africa

Our Team

There is a common thread that connects every member of our team: we are all determined to bring awareness of Southern Africa’s botanical wonders to the world in a way that is sustainable, culturally appreciative and beneficial to all involved. We strive to make a tangible difference to the lives of rural communities and the wildlife they share the African wilderness with.

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Che'-Lee Parker,
Quality Manager & Business Development

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